4 Solutions To The Supply Chain

From the previous blog post, I began discussing the difficulties of our current supply chain. The challenges it faces are labor shortages, overpriced shipping fees, demand becoming too high and low capacity inside the storage facilities. These complications are causing a disruption in the system.

This economic tragedy may seem like a never-ending nightmare but there is light at the end of the tunnel. There are 4 solutions that manufactures should consider if they want to maintain a smooth operation.

  1. Automation
  2. Enhance visibility
  3. Create mobility
  4. Change the infrastructure


The manufacturing industry has noticed a trend in automation. Automation is expected to grow $355 billion by 2028. Warehouses have explored Robot Process Automation (RPA), back-office automation and self-driven transportation. Truck companies have tested this process and found it creates less accidents, faster shipping times, and resolves the trucker shortage across the nation.

Enhance visibility

Consumers want to feel trust with their product shipment. Visibility is the key to establishing consumer reassurance. If suppliers and manufactures displayed the picking and packing of products and showed truckers delivery route, customers will feel comfortable. Seeing the visibility of an operation running confidently, can help customers make accurately informed decisions.

Create mobility

The popularity of handheld devices should improve warehouse management tremendously. Visibility and mobility go hand in hand when presenting technology to their clients. The use of mobility will increase effective communication with the warehouse and sales production. Mobility can also be used to analyze data, create mobile apps for freight and control inventory management.

Change infrastructure

There’s no denying the supply chain must change. The biggest challenge is the infrastructure. With outdated technology, rusted machinery, and restrictive ports it can cause a major slowdown in the chain. As stated from the previous solutions, they are all key factors into creating a successful infrastructure. The main importance is updating facilities, software, and equipment to create a cohesive assembly.

As the years go by, manufactures will have to start reevaluating their business. Hopefully, we can slowly see a transition sooner rather than later.

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